Koshokun (dai)

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Koshokun (dai), from the book Genseiryu Karate-do Kyohan 2

Koshokun (dai) (公相君(大), Koshokun (dai)) is a kata trained in Genseiryu and must be performed for the 3rd dan examination (adults) and for the 2nd dan examination (children).

Genseiryu Karate-do Kyohan 2[edit]

  • Translated to English and included here with explicit permission from Kunihiko Tosa.
  • This text and image is protected under copyright.

This kata has been handed down in most styles originating from the Shuri area of Okinawa. Some styles named it Kusanku, and others named it Kushanku. The Japan Karate-do Federation chose to specify this kata as Kanku-Dai according to the Shotokan style. Kanku Dai is the name that Gichin Funakoshi created. He is the frounder of the Shotokan Karatedo School.

There are two katas called Koshokun, which are Koshokun (dai) and Koshokun (sho). The Shorin-ryu style and the Wado-ryu style have handed down only Koshokun (dai). It is generally said that this kata was named after a Chinese officer who introduced this kata in Okinawa.

Kusanku and Kushanku are the Chinese pronunciations for Koshokun.

I think that Master Funakoshi created the name Kanku from his personal point of view about martial arts. Master Funakoshi is also the person who changed the Chinese characters of karate.

According to my own research, Koshokun (dai) of the Genseiryu style is in terms of composition similar to Kusanku of the Shorin-ryu style. In the book "Shin Karate-do Kyohan", Seiken Shukumine wrote that he learned this kata from his former teacher Soko Kishimoto.

This kata is characterized by the changes and succession of techniques in various directions. In this kata, there is a special technique of the Genseiryu style, including body-spinning and going up and down.

I think that one will understand, that this kata consists of high level techniques.