Koshokun (sho)
Koshokun (sho) (公相君(小), Koshokun (sho)) is a kata trained in Genseiryu and must be performed for the 4th dan examination (adults only as children's curriculum only exist up to and including 2nd dan after which they transfer to the adult's curriculum).
Genseiryu Karate-do Kyohan 2[edit]
- Translated to English and included here with explicit permission from Kunihiko Tosa.
- This text and image is protected under copyright.
Other styles originating from the Shuri area, consist of katas, which, like ours, is called Koshokun (sho). But the contents of our Koshokun (sho) is quite different from others.
The characteristics are Furi-tsuki, Gyaku-tsuki and Mae-geri after turning, but also turning after Ren-tsuki and Sabaki by spinning the body.
Compared to Koshokun (dai), Koshokun (sho) is composed of smaller, but crucial movements. I think that this kata contains many techniques, which can easily be applied in actual fighting.