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Taido (躰道, Taido) is a Japanese martial art created by Seiken Shukumine (1925-2001) in 1962. As word, it can be translated as the way of the mind and body (or internal and external self). Taido has transitioned from Genseiryu into a martial art on its own.


The form as practiced within Taido is called hokei [1], which were created with the purpose to express oneself within the hokei. Because of this, techniques may vary or can have variants which does not makes it a different form. This makes hokei different from kata. When techniques are executed differently it creates a different variant of the kata and hence makes it also a different style. This could be seen for example in Kushanku, or Naihanchi. Many ryuha have these kata, but different executes due to different bunkai. This creates another style. Whereas Taido allows certain changes, within perimeters (doko go kai). In fact, for forth dan examination one should be able to create his or her own hokei in order to show that they have understood the principles of Taido. The following hokei are practised in Taido:

Tai hokei group[edit]

  • Sentai no hokei
  • Untai no hokei
  • Hentai no hokei
  • Nentai no hokei
  • Tentai no hokei

These basic hokei based on the five movements, also have their female versions in order to complete each other (in/yo):

  • Senin no hokei
  • Unin no hokei
  • Henin no hokei
  • Nenin no hokei
  • Tenin no hokei

Sei hokei group[edit]

  • Tensei no hokei
  • Chisei no hokei
  • Jinsei no hokei

Mei hokei group[edit]

  • Seimei no hokei
  • Katsumei no hokei
  • Enmei no hokei

Gen hokei group[edit]

  • Ingen no hokei
  • Yogen no hokei

Transitional hokei: tai-i no hokei. This hokei was created between 1962 and 1965 in order to transition into Taido. This is the only hokei which contains all five movement: sengi, ungi, hengi, nengi and tengi techniques.
