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Naihanchi, from the book Genseiryu Karate-do Kyohan 2

Naihanchi (内範置, ナイハンチ, Naihanchi or ナイファンチ, Naifanchi, in Shotokan also known as 鉄騎, Tekki) is a kata trained in Genseiryu and must be performed for the 3rd kyu examination (for both adults and children). This kata is performed entirely in Kiba-dachi.

Genseiryu Karate-do Kyohan 2[edit]

  • Translated to English and included here with explicit permission from Kunihiko Tosa.
  • This text and image is protected under copyright.

This kata is known by many names and is thus written in several ways such as Naifanchi, Naifanchin and Naifuanchi. Traditionally this kata has been handed down by masters of Shuri-te. There exist Shodan, Nidan and Sandan of Naihanchi in Shurite, which is one of the roots of karate. It is said that the Naihanchi-Nidan and Naihanchi-Sandan were created by Master Anko Itosu. Another name for Naihanchi is Tekki.

The characteristics of Naihanchi are as follows:

  • To move only on a straight line to both left and right side.
  • To step with foot sweeps called Nami-gaeshi and always to stand in the straddle stance (kiba-dachi) keeping the height of the waist unchanged.
  • To attack and block while keeping one's posture. This automatically builds up strength in the practitioner's waist and feet.

A long time ago, this was the first kata, which students had to learn in order to build up their body.

We have only one Naihanchi in the Genseiryu style. It is characterized by a low center of gravity, foot sweeps putting the foot down on it's edge, blocking with both hands both ways at the same time, and an inverted fist strike to the upper area.